WSDG Contents  /  Objects 

Text Methods reference

Method Object Description
ActivateScanner RFIO Not supported.
AddBarcode RFBARCODE Adds an item to the local configuration array.
AddButton RFBUTTON Adds a new button in the list of the local Pad.
AddHotKey RFIO Adds a hot key to the hot keys array.
AddOption RFMENU Adds an option line in the local menu array.
AddTitleLine RFMENU Adds a title line in the local menu array.
AddTone RFTONE Adds a sound in the local Tone array.
AppFileCount RFUSRAPP The number of files in the filename array. (DOS legacy)
AppFileDate RFUSRAPP The date of a file in the filename array. (DOS legacy)
AppFileName RFUSRAPP The name of a file in the filename array. (DOS legacy)
AppFileSize RFUSRAPP The size of a file in the filename array. (DOS legacy)
AppFileTime RFUSRAPP The time of a file in the filename array. (DOS legacy)
Backlight RFTERMINAL The Backlight time.
BarcodeCount RFBARCODE Number of items in the local array.
BarcodeFileCount RFBARCODE Number of barcode configuration files in the client.
BarcodeFileName RFBARCODE Name of a file in the filenames array.
ClearBarcodes RFBARCODE Empties the local configuration array.
ClearError RFERROR Clears the local text array.
ClearHotKeys RFIO Empties the hot keys array.
ClearOptions RFMENU Empties the local options menu array.
ClearTitle RFMENU Empties the local titles menu array.
ClearTones RFTONE Empties the local Tone array.
ConfigurePort RFAUXPORT Configures the serial port.
CursorEnd RFTERMINAL The cursor end line.
CursorMode RFTERMINAL The cursor mode.
CursorStart RFTERMINAL The cursor start line.
Default RFBARCODE Not supported.
DeleteBarcodeFile * RFBARCODE Deletes a barcode configuration file stored in the client.
DeleteMenu *


Delete a menu file from the Client.
DeletePadFile RFBUTTON Delete  a Button Pad file from the Client.
DeleteToneFile * RFTONE Deletes a Tone file from the Client.
DiskSpace RFTERMINAL The available disk space.
Display * RFERROR Sends the array to the client and displays it.
DoMenu * RFMENU Performs the menu choice from a stored menu file.
ExitToApp * RFUSRAPP Close the RF connection and exits the client program to the user local application. (DOS legacy)
GetBarcodeFile * RFBARCODE Loads a WS Client configuration file in the local configuration array.
GetBarcodeType RFBARCODE Gets one item value from the local configuration array.
GetDecode RFBARCODE Gets one item value from the local configuration array.
GetDuration RFTONE Gets a value from the local Tone array.
GetEvent * RFIO Gets a single user input (function, barcode).
GetEventEx * RFIO Gets a single user input (function, barcode).
GetExpand RFBARCODE Gets one item value from the local configuration array.
GetFrequency RFTONE Gets a value from the local Tone array.
GetMaxLength RFBARCODE Gets one item value from the local configuration array.
GetMenuHeight RFMENU Gets a value from the local menu array.
GetMenuOption RFMENU Gets a text line from the local options menu array.
GetMenuWidth RFMENU Gets a value from the local menu array.
GetMinLength RFBARCODE Gets one item value from the local configuration array.
GetStartColumn RFMENU Gets a value from the local menu array.
GetStartRow RFMENU Gets a value from the local menu array.
GetToneFile * RFTONE Loads a Tone file from Client, and stores it in the local Tone array.
KeyState RFTERMINAL The keyboard shift state.
KeyTimeout RFTERMINAL The keyboard user timeout.
LastBarcodeType RFIO Gets the barcode type of the last barcode input.
LastInputType RFIO Gets the type of the last input.
ListAppFiles * RFUSRAPP Builds an extended filename array with the contents of the Client FLASH applications folder (E:\USRAPP). (DOS legacy)
ListBarcodeFiles * RFBARCODE Builds an array of barcode configurations filenames existing in the Client.
ListMenuFiles RFMENU Builds an array of menu filenames existing in the Client.
ListPadFiles RFBUTTON Builds an array of Button Pad filenames existing in the Client.
ListToneFiles * RFTONE Builds an array of Tone filenames existing in the Client.
LithiumBattery RFTERMINAL The lithium battery state (if any).
LocalGet RFIO Not supported.
LogMsg RFLOG Sends data to log file with the default "Log level".
LogMsgEx RFLOG Sends data to log file with "Log level".
MainBattery RFTERMINAL The main battery state.
Memory RFTERMINAL The RAM memory available.
MenuFileCount RFMENU Number of menu files in the client.
MenuFileName RFMENU Name of a file in the filenames array.
PadCreate RFBUTTON Initializes the local pad and empty the button list.
PadFileCount RFBUTTON The number of Button Pad files in the Client.
PadFileName RFBUTTON Name of a file in the filenames array.
PadStore RFBUTTON Sends the local Pad to a file in the WS Client.
Ping * RFTERMINAL Performs a ping (echo) test.
PlayTone * RFTONE Performs beeps following sounds in Tone file.
PullBarcode * RFBARCODE Stores in a Client file the present configuration of the barcode reader.
PullScreen * RFIO Retrieves a previously stored image onto the display from a file, and deletes the file.
PushBarcode * RFBARCODE Sets the present configuration of the barcode reader from a Client file.
PushScreen * RFIO Stores the current display image in a file.
QueryPort RFAUXPORT Sends and/or receives data from serial port.
RawLangID RFTERMINAL The ID of the language selected by the user.
RawSend RFIO Not supported.
RawSendNRecv RFIO Not supported.
RawTerminalType RFTERMINAL The type of terminal that runs the Client (integer).
ReadTerminalInfo * RFTERMINAL Reads all the terminal configuration values, to be accessed further.
RemoveBarcod RFBARCODE Deletes an item in the local configuration array.
RemoveTone RFTONE Deletes a sound in the local Tone array.
ResetMenu RFMENU Empties the local menu array (titles and options).
RestoreScreen * RFIO Retrieves to the display from a file a previously stored image.
RFAux * RFIO Sends data to the auxiliary port (COM1:).
RFDeleteFile * RFFILE Deletes a file in the WS Client.
RFFileCount RFFILE The number of files in the filename array (reduced or extended).
RFFileDate RFFILE The date of a file in the extended filename array.
RFFileName RFFILE The name of the file in the reduced filename array.
RFFileSize RFFILE The size of a file in the extended filename array.
RFFileTime RFFILE The time of a file in the extended filename array.
RFFlushoutput * RFIO Flushes (sends to the Client) all the pending display actions temporarily stored in the server.
RFGetFile * RFFILE Gets the contents of the Client file as a string (up to 1024).
RFGetLastError Returns the status of WireLess Studio link.
RFInput * RFIO Inputs user data from keyboard, scanner or serial port.
RFInputEx * RFIO Inputs user data from keyboard, scanner, serial port or ASR engine.
RFListFiles * RFFILE Builds a reduced filename array with the contents of the WS Client memory.
RFListFilesEx * RFFILE Builds an extended filename array with the contents of the WS Client memory.
RFPrint RFIO Displays text to user.
RFSayl RFIO Say a TTS sentence.
RFSpool RFIO Not supported.
RFStoreFile * RFFILE Stores in a WS Client file the supplied data.
RFTransferFile * RFFILE Sends or receives a file from/to the WS Client.
SetBacklight RFTERMINAL Sets (locally) the backlight time-out.
SetBarcodeType RFBARCODE Sets one item value in the local configuration array.
SetCoordinates RFMENU Sets some values of the local menu array.
SetCursorEnd RFTERMINAL Sets (locally) the cursor line end.
SetCursorMode RFTERMINAL Sets (locally) the cursor mode.
SetCursorStart RFTERMINAL Sets (locally) the cursor line start.
SetDateTime RFTERMINAL Unsupported. (The terminal clock is set with the server time).
SetDecode RFBARCODE Sets one item value in the local configuration array.
SetDefaultInputMode RFIO Sets the input mode by default for RFInput.
SetDuration RFTONE Sets a value in the local Tone array.
SetErrorLine RFERROR Adds a text line to the error message array.
SetExitApp * RFUSRAPP Sets the application to launch. (DOS legacy)
SetExpand RFBARCODE Sets one item value in the local configuration array.
SetFillChar RFIO Sets the fill character for input.
SetFrequency RFTONE Sets a value in the local Tone array.
SetKeyState RFTERMINAL Sets (locally) the shift keyboard state.
SetKeyTimeout RFTERMINAL Sets (locally) the keyboard time-out.
SetLevel RFLOG Sets the default "Log level".
SetMaxLength RFBARCODE Sets one item value in the local configuration array.
SetMenuHeight RFMENU Sets one value of the local menu array.
SetMenuWidth RFMENU Sets one value of the local menu array.
SetMinLength RFBARCODE Sets one item value in the local configuration array.
SetPingCount RFTERMINAL Sets the number of pings performed by the ping function.
SetPingPacket RFTERMINAL Sets the data of the ping packet.
SetRFIndicator RFTERMINAL Sets the position and characters of the RF activity indicator.
SetStartColumn RFMENU Sets one value of the local menu array.
SetStartRow RFMENU Sets one value of the local menu array.
SetTerminalInfo RFTERMINAL Writes to the terminal the locally modified configuration values.
SetToneDefault RFERROR Sets the default tone played when an error is displayed
StoreBarcode * RFBARCODE Sends the local configuration array to a file in the WS Client.
StoreMenu * RFMENU Sends the local menu array to a file in the WS Client.
StoreTone * RFTONE Sends the local Tone array to a file in the WS Client.
SystemCall RFTERMINAL Performs a function in the Client.
TellEvent * RFIO Gets a single user input without removing it from input queue.
TerminalHeight RFTERMINAL The terminal display's number of lines.
TerminalID RFTERMINAL The ID of the terminal that runs the Client (IP Address and port).
TerminalType RFTERMINAL The type of terminal that runs the Client (text).
TerminalWidth RFTERMINAL The terminal display's number of columns.
ToneCount RFTONE The number of sounds in the Tone array.
ToneFileCount RFTONE The number of Tone files in the Client.
ToneFileName RFTONE Name of a file in thefile names array.
TransferApp * RFUSRAPP Sends an application file to the Client RAM memory. (DOS legacy)
UpdateApp * RFUSRAPP High level function to conditionally download application files. (DOS legacy).
WireLessVersion RFTERMINAL The version of the WireLess Studio Client.