
Graphic buttons management.
A button pad has a user defined pattern (rows and columns) and a button list.
Each box of the pattern array may be used by a button, or may be empty.
A button may use 1 box (single height and width), 2 boxes (single and double) or 4 boxes (double height and width).
Be careful not to overlap buttons.
Store the button pad in the client (as a file), and use it with the input functions (RFIO.GetEvent, RFIO.GetEventEx, RFIO.RFInput, RFMENU.DoMenuRFERROR.Display). Each input function has an associated default pad (built at connection time), that may be overwritten.
A button has the x/y coordinates (0 based) of the box used in the pattern, the action in the client, a display string, and mode flags (see AddButton).

Function Default Pad name Other user-defined Pads
 RFIO.GetEvent()  _Event  No
 RFIO.GetEventEx()  _Event  Yes, mandatory, in the name
 RFIO.RFInput()  _Input  Yes, optional with the barcode configuration
 RFMENU.DoMenu()  _Menu  Yes, optional if it has the same name as the menu
 RFERROR.Display()  _Error  No

How To

Store and use a Button Pad.

Look for a Button Pad file in the client


Public wsRfButton As New RFBUTTON


Button Pad
Files Array
Client Files

Button Pad

PadCreate Initializes the local pad and empty the button list.
AddButton Adds a new button in the list of the local Pad.


PadStore * Sends the local Pad to a file in the WS Client.

Files Array

ListPadFiles * Builds an array of Button Pad filenames existing in the Client.
PadFileCount The number of Button Pad files in the Client.
PadFileName Name of a file in the filenames array.

Client Files

DeletePadFile * Delete a Button Pad file in the Client.


RFGetLastError Returns the status of WireLess Studio link.


AddButton Adds a new button in the list of the local Pad.
DeletePadFile * Deletes a Button Pad file in the Client.
ListPadFiles * Builds an array of Button Pad filenames existing in the Client.
PadCreate Initializes the local pad and empties the button list.
PadFileCount The number of Button Pad files in the Client.
PadFileName Name of a file in the filenames array.
PadStore * Sends the local Pad to a file in the WS Client.
RFGetLastError Returns the status of the WireLess Studio link.