
Allows to manage the WS Client barcode reader.
The Client barcode reader works under a barcode configuration.
The barcode configuration is stored as a file in the WS Client (.BAR).
The names of the files are accessed as an array.
Te barcode configuration is managed as an array of configuration items in the user application.
Each item has some values (BarcodeType, Decode, Expand, MaxLength, MinLength).

How To

Set a barcode configuration

Get and modify a barcode configuration

Look for a barcode configuration file in the client


Public wsRfBarcode As New RFBARCODE


Configuration Array
Getting and sending
Files Array
Client Files
Barcode reader

Configuration Array

ClearBarcodes Empties the local configuration array.
AddBarcode Adds an item to the local configuration array.
RemoveBarcod Deletes an item in the local configuration array.
BarcodeCount Number of items in the local configuration array.
GetBarcodeType Gets one item value from the local configuration array.
SetBarcodeType Sets one item value in the local configuration array.
GetDecode Gets one item value from the local configuration array.
SetDecode Sets one item value in the local configuration array.
GetExpand Gets one item value from the local configuration array.
SetExpand Sets one item value in the local configuration array.
GetMaxLength Gets one item value from the local configuration array.
SetMaxLength Sets one item value in the local configuration array.
GetMinLength Gets one item value from the local configuration array.
SetMinLength Sets one item value in the local configuration array.

Getting and Sending

GetBarcodeFile * Loads a WS Client configuration file into the local configuration array.
StoreBarcode * Sends the local configuration array to a file in the WS Client.

Files Array

ListBarcodeFiles * Builds an array of barcode configurations filenames existing in the Client.
BarcodeFileCount Number of barcode configuration files in the client.
BarcodeFileName Gets the name of a file in the filenames array.

Client Files

DeleteBarcodeFile * Deletes a barcode configuration file stored in the client.

Barcode reader

PullBarcode * Stores in a Client file the present configuration of the barcode reader.
PushBarcode * Sets the present configuration of the barcode reader from a Client file.


RFGetLastError Returns the status of WireLess Studio link.


AddBarcode Adds an item to the local configuration array.
BarcodeCount Number of items in the local array.
BarcodeFileCount Number of barcode configuration files in the client.
BarcodeFileName Name of a file in the filenames array.
ClearBarcodes Empties the local configuration array.
Default ?
DeleteBarcodeFile * Deletes a barcode configuration file stored in the client.
GetBarcodeFile * Loads a WS Client configuration file into the local configuration array.
GetBarcodeType Gets one item value from the local configuration array.
GetDecode Gets one item value from the local configuration array.
GetExpand Gets one item value from the local configuration array.
GetMaxLength Gets one item value from the local configuration array.
GetMinLength Gets one item value from the local configuration array.
ListBarcodeFiles * Builds an array of barcode configurations filenames existing in the Client.
PullBarcode * Stores the present configuration of the barcode reader in a Client file .
PushBarcode * Gets the present configuration of the barcode reader from a Client file.
RemoveBarcod Deletes an item in the local configuration array.
RFGetLastError Returns the status of WireLess Studio link.
SetBarcodeType Sets one item value in the local configuration array.
SetDecode Sets one item value in the local configuration array.
SetExpand Sets one item value in the local configuration array.
SetMaxLength Sets one item value in the local configuration array.
SetMinLength Sets one item value in the local configuration array.
StoreBarcode * Sends the local configuration array to a file in the WS Client.