WireLess Studio Widgets Developer's Guide
WSWDG ContentsWStWidget class reference


This method adds an removes input modes on a WS_FIELD widget.

The input modes regulates the characters typed on the widget, allowing the input of alphabetic characters or numbers separately.

Ole declaration

VARIANT_BOOL ModifyInputModeByName(LPCTSTR sObjectName, LONG lRemove, LONG lAdd);

VARIANT_BOOL ModifyInputModeById(SHORT usObjectId, LONG lRemove, LONG lAdd);

The name of the target widget.
The id of the target widget.
The modes to be removed from the widget input modes.
The modes to be added to the widget input modes.
Return Value

On success, ModifyInputMode returns TRUE, FALSE otherwise. To get extended information, call WStError::GetLastErrorCode.


Modes to be added or removed can be combined by using the bitwise OR ( | ) operator.

The available input modes are:

The input modes can be found on the WSFieldConstants enumeration.

using WirelessStudioOleWidgets;
WStWidget oWidget = new WStWidget();
WStFactory oFactory = new WStFactory();
short iFieldId = 33;
oFactory.CreateWidgetById((short)WSTFactoryConstants.WS_FIELD, iFieldId, "", 0,0, 50, 50, "123");

/* Using the following combination of flags allows alphabetic characters only, which will be converted to uppercase*/
oWidget.ModifyInputModeById(iFieldId, (short)WSFieldConstants.WS_FIELD_IM_NUMERIC_ONLY, 
	(short)WSFieldConstants.WS_FIELD_IM_ALPHA_ONLY | (short)WSFieldConstants.WS_FIELD_IM_TO_UPPER );
Visual Basic 6 (Full Example: FieldDemoModule.bas.txt)
Public wsWidget As New WStWidget
Case "alphaKeysCheckBox"
	If wsForm.GetLastEventIntValue() = WS_STATE_CHECKED Then
		wsWidget.ModifyInputModeByName "field", 0, WS_FIELD_IM_ALPHA_ONLY
		wsWidget.ModifyInputModeByName "field", WS_FIELD_IM_ALPHA_ONLY, 0
	End If
Case "numKeysCheckBox"
	If wsForm.GetLastEventIntValue() = WS_STATE_CHECKED Then
    	wsWidget.ModifyInputModeByName "field", 0, WS_FIELD_IM_NUMERIC_ONLY
    	wsWidget.ModifyInputModeByName "field", WS_FIELD_IM_NUMERIC_ONLY, 0
    End If
See also

ModifyDisplayMode | ModifyInputDevices | ModifyLenCtrlMode | SetKeyboardMode | SetScannerConfigFile | SetMaxLength | GetLastInputType | GetLastBarcodeType

WStWiget class reference | WStForm class reference | WStFactory class reference | WStError class reference