WireLess Studio Widgets Developer's Guide
WSWDG Contents → WStForm class reference

WStForm methods

The WStForm class  allows to modify the forms previously created using the WStFactory class.

WStForm methods

The following table shows list of available methods for class WStForm.

Name Description
AddObject Attaches a widget to a previously created form.
CommitChanges Transfers the modifications made to a specific form and the widgets attached to it.
EnableFunctionKeys Enables or disables the function keys on a specific form.
EndCurrentForm Closes the form currently being displayed.
GetEvent Waits for a single user input on a widget..
GetLastEventIntValue Returns the last event integer value.
GetLastEventSourceId Returns the id of the widget that triggered the last event.
GetLastEventSourceName Returns the name of the widget that triggered the last event.
GetLastEventStrValue Returns the last event string value.
GetLastEventType Returns the type of the last triggered event.
GetNextWidget Call this method to retrieve a widget that has the "tab stop" property and follows a specific widget.
IsConnected Checks the current state of the connection with the mobile unit.
MapArrowKeysToFunctionKeys Enables or disables the mapping of arrow keys.
RestoreInitialState Restore the initial state of the form that is currently being displayed.
SaveToTerminal Serializes and transfers a form to the mobile unit.
SetBackGroundColor Changes the background color of a specific form.
SetCoordType Changes the coordinates type of a specific form.
SetFocus Gives the keyboard focus to a specific widget in a form.
Show Shows a form.
ShowMessageBox Displays a message box.
ShowPopupMessage Displays popup dialog.
ShowWaitCursor Displays an hourglass cursor in the middle of the screen.