WireLess Studio Widgets Developer's Guide
WSWDG ContentsWStForm class reference


Call this method to retrieve a widget that has the "tab stop" property and follows a specific widget.

Ole declaration

SHORT GetNextWidgetById(SHORT usFormId, SHORT usObjectId);

BSTR GetNextWidgetByName(LPCTSTR sFormName, LPCTSTR sObjectName);

The form's name.
The form's id.
Specifies the id of the widget to be used as start point of search.
Specifies the name of the widget to be used as start point of search.
Return Value

On success, GetNextWidget returns the name or the id of the next widget with tab stop property enabled (depending on which version of the method is used). On error, GetNextWidget returns an empty string or zero. To get extended information, call WStError::GetLastErrorCode.


The default order is given by the way in which the widgets are attached to the form.

Only the widgets that support the EnableTabStop method can be enumerated using this method.

using WirelessStudioOleWidgets;
WStFactory oFactory = new WStFactory();
WStForm oForm = new WStForm ();
short formId = 10;
oFactory.CreateWidgetById((short)WSTFactoryConstants.WS_BUTTON, 10 , "", 15, 15, 30, 30, "Button Test 1");
oFactory.CreateWidgetById((short)WSTFactoryConstants.WS_BUTTON, 11 , "", 15, 45, 30, 30, "Button Test 2");
oFactory.CreateWidgetById((short)WSTFactoryConstants.WS_BUTTON, 12 , "", 15, 75, 30, 30, "Button Test 3");

oForm.AddObjectBydId(formId, 10);
oForm.AddObjectBydId(formId, 11);
oForm.AddObjectBydId(formId, 12);

oForm.ShowById(formId, true, true);
short nextObjectId = oForm.GetNextWidgetById(formId, 10);

if(nextObjectId != 0)

Visual Basic 6 (Full Example: PopupMsgDemoModule.bas.txt)
Public wsForm As New WStForm
If wsForm.GetLastEventType() = WS_EVENT_TEXT_INPUT Then
	sNextWidget = wsForm.GetNextWidgetByName("popupMsgForm", sObjectName)

	If sNextWidget <> "" Then
		wsForm.SetFocusByName "popupMsgForm", sNextWidget
	End If
End If
See also


WStWiget class reference | WStForm class reference | WStFactory class reference | WStError class reference