boolean AddButton(short nColumn, short nRow, BSTR pszAction, BSTR pszText, long lBtnMode)

Function AddButton(nColumn As Integer, nRow As Integer, pszAction As String, pszText As String, lBtnMode As Long) As Boolean

Add a button to the local current pad.

Return value


    Column coordinate (zero based) in the array.

    Row coordinate (zero based) in the array.

    Data sent if the button is clicked.
    The data follows a "three digit" format :

Type Format Sample
Numeric Three numeric digits (0-9) "027" means escape Key or data
"065" means "A" Key or data
Hex "/" and two hex digits (0-F) "/1B" means escape Key or data
"/41" means "A" Key or data
Literal ".." and one printable character "..A" means "A" Key or data
Names "_" and a two letter keyword "_F1" means Windows Virtual key VK_F1 (70h)
"_F9" means Windows Virtual key VK_F9 (78h)
"_F0" means Windows Virtual key VK_F10 (79h)
"_CR" means Windows Virtual key Return (0Dh)
"_CL" means Windows Virtual key Escape (1Bh)
"_UP" means Windows Virtual key up arrow (26h)
"_DN" means Windows Virtual key down arrow (28h)
"_LE" means Windows Virtual key left arrow (25h)
"_RI" means Windows Virtual key right arrow (27h)

The action string will contain one or more characters.
The action will be processed as a key (by the keyboard routine) or as data directly returned to the user application (following the lBtnMode flags).

    Text displayed to the user, inside the button area. Make sure the text fits in the button area.

    Behavior of the button. One or more (adding) of the following constants :

Family Constant Meaning
Appearance WBTN__DBLH Double height button
Takes two boxes : The box indicated by the coordinates and the box below.
If combined with WL_DDBLW takes 4 boxes.
WBTN__DBLW Double width button.
Takes two boxes : The box indicated by the coordinates and the right box.
If combined with WL_DDBLH takes 4 boxes.
Data Type If a Data type is defined, the data are not processed by the keyboard routine, and the data is returned "as is". The LastInputType is set to the following values:
WBTN_KEYTYPE  WLKEYTYPE (as alphanumeric keys)
WBTN_SCANTYPE  WLSCANTYPE (as barcode scanner)
WBTN_COMTYPE  WLCOMTYPE (as serial COMx: data)

The action data are normally processed as a "Windows Virtual Key" (VK) by the keyboard routine.
If a Data Type is declared, the data is not processed by the keyboard routine and is sent "as is" directly to the host application.

wsRfButton.AddButton 0, 0, "013", "ENTER", 0
Works like the ENTER key. In an input function validates keyed data.
Returns WLKEYTYPE and the prior keyed data.
wsRfButton.AddButton 0, 0, "013", "ENTER", WBTN_CMDTYPE
Works like a function key. In an input function aborts any keyed data.
Returns WLCOMMANDTYPE and 13 in data.

wsRfButton.AddButton 0, 0, "_F0", "F10", 0
Works like F10 key. Returns WLCOMMANDTYPE and "10" in data (processed by keyboard routine).
wsRfButton.AddButton 0, 0, "10", "F10", WBTN_CMDTYPE
Works like F10 key. Returns WLCOMMANDTYPE and "10" in data (returned by button).

    You need to add buttons to the pad, and store the pad in the client.


' 2 Columns, 1 row (2 buttons in the pad tops), 1 pixel border
wsRfButton.PadCreate 2, 1, 1
wsRfButton.AddButton 0, 0, "013", "ENTER", 0
wsRfButton.AddButton 1, 0, "027", "CLR", 0
wsRfButton.PadStore "EntClr"

See also    RFBUTTON, PadCreate, PadStore