
boolean StoreMenu(BSTR pszMenuName)

Function StoreMenu(pszMenuName As String) As Boolean

Sends the local menu array to a file in the WS Client.

Return value
True= the function was successful, false=error, unable to create the file, RF link lost, check with RFGetLastError().


    The name of the menu file (up to 8 characters).

You need to build a menu in the application.
The built Menu is sent to the terminal, which  stores it in a file.
The Client program reads this file to perform the menu choice.
The name must contain legal characters for MS-DOS filenames. Do not include dots (.) and other special characters (* , $ \ : etc).


wsRfMenu.ResetMenu ' Clear the current building menu
wsRfMenu.AddTitleLine "MyMenu Choices" ' give a title to the menu
For iIdx = 1 To 12
   wsRfMenu.AddOption "Option " & Str(iIdx) ' The menu options
Next iIdx
' Set the menu rectangle area
wsRfMenu.SetStartColumn 0
wsRfMenu.SetStartRow 0
wsRfMenu.SetMenuHeight 8
wsRfMenu.SetMenuWidth 20
' store the menu in RF terminal
wsRfMenu.StoreMenu "MyMenu"

See also    RFMENU, AddOption, DoMenu, DeleteMenu